Q 1.   Can the Oxtek products be applied to old concrete?
A.      Yes if clean and porous (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 2.   Does Oxtek warrant their products?
A.      Yes the products that prevent moisture transmission within the concrete are awarded a 15 year warranty (subject to specification and application training) - (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 3.   Will the Oxtek products waterproof blocks?
A.      No, the Oxtek range will only waterproof concrete
Q 4.   Is it easy to apply the Oxtek products?
A.      Yes, FOC application training is available (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 5.   Can I use some of the Oxtek products on sand and cement render before painting?
A.      Yes, to help retard efflorescence but not a warranted system (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 6.   Can I use some of the Oxtek products on sand and cement screed before tiling?
A.      Yes, to help retard efflorescence but not a warranted system (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 7.   Is the Oxtek range environmentally friendly?
A.      Yes all of the range is LOW VOC and water based
Q 8.  Can I used the Oxtek range in a food preparation area?
A.      Yes
Q 9.   Where can I apply the Oxtek range?
A.        Horizontal, Vertical & Overhead concrete and some stone substrates (call contacts below to discuss application methods)
Q 10.   What equipment do I need to apply the Oxtek range
A.        A pump or battery pack spray unit can be used for most applications (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 11.   Is the Oxtek range compliant with any Australian Standards?
A.        Yes the the Oxtek moisture suppressant system is included in AS1884:2021 Floor Coverings Resilient Sheets & Tiles
Q 12.   Can I paint over the Oxtek products that have been applied to concrete?
A.        Yes (Call Oxtek contact below to discuss)
Q 13.   Will Oxtek products be effective in preventing bacteria growth?
A.        Yes the Medi-Vet product range is 99.9% effective against the bacteria E. coli MRSA -  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureua
Q 14.  How long before can you apply a topical floor finish or coating following application?
A.       24hrs on an existing concrete substrate and after 14 days if the application has taken place 'at time of pour' of the concrete pour.
Q 15.  Do Oxtek Products prevent cracking in concrete?
A.       Yes, the incidence of shrinkage/cracking is significantly reduced when the product is applied 'at time of pour' application.
Q 16.  Do Oxtek products affect the slip rating of the concrete to which it is applied?
A.       No, the surface texture and finish of the concrete substrate will not be affected by the application.
Q 17.  Do the Oxtek products adversely affect the surface tensile/strength (Bond Strength) of an existing concrete substrate?
A.       No, our products are proven to increase the surface tensile/strength of an existing concrete substrate..