“This is a 4000m2 podium and was sprayed approximately 6 months after pour. X200 Densi-Proof used for waterproofing as there is a car park underneath. X200 Densi-Proof was used in conjunction with typical waterproofing methods being used on all construction joints and upturns. We achieved a great result, with only 4 small leaks that were unable to be fixed with X200 Densi-Proof. These leaks were an engineering problem and were all located at exact same positions underneath slab, behind all stress tension points. This was recognised by the engineer and said that it was a common problem (later rectified with a polyurethane injected gel) and neither him nor the builder were put off using X200 Densi-Proof on further projects. Trades were back on the slab 1-2 hrs after installation with bobcats and landscaping equipment.”
X200 Densi-Proof is an internal water barrier that sets up a permanent gel within the capillaries and voids. Applied as 100% colloidal liquid it penetrates deeply into concretes matrix reacting with the alkali left over after hydration (calcium hydroxide) and the unhydrated or partially hydrated cement particles promoting production predominantly of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and 100% colloidal silicate, permanent, complete gel. In effect it makes the concrete structure impermeable giving integrity and longevity.
Both pictures show the podium and planter boxes that have a carpark under the entire area. The Densi-Proof has been installed and cannot be damaged by the ongoing works.